European Factories in the Indian Ocean - Map Timeline

European Factories in the Indian Ocean - Map Timeline

The following simulation was produced by CAPASIA's technical advisor, Sebastian Majstorovic, in the course of the pilot project, European Factories in the Indian Ocean (EFIO). Visitors are encouraged to press the 'play' button to observe the general expansion and contraction of the factory system over the early modern centuries.  

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2025 Conference CfP: "Ports, Factories, and Special Economic Zones: Infrastructures of Circulation and Exchange in the Indian Ocean, 1200-Present"

2025 Conference CfP: "Ports, Factories, and Special Economic Zones: Infrastructures of Circulation and Exchange in the Indian Ocean, 1200-Present"

Date - June 5, 2025 - June 7, 2025 Location Shanghai Shi, China This conference, jointly organized by the Center for Global Asia, NYU Shanghai, and the CAPASIA Project, European University Institute, examines the role of infrastructure in Asia’s port cities from the thirteenth century to the present. Visual

By Giorgio Riello, Michael O'Sullivan