Conference: “Commodities and Environments in Early Modern Global Asia, 1400–1800”
13-15 November 2024, Florence: The international conference ‘Commodities and Environments in Early Modern Global Asia, 1400–1800’ is organized under the auspices of the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant Project, CAPASIA ‘The Asian Origins of Global Capitalism’, hosted at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. The conference explores

CfP: Port Cities Conference 2025
5-7 June 2025, Shanghai, China: “Ports, Factories, and Special Economic Zones: Infrastructures of Circulation and Exchange in the Indian Ocean, 1200-Present” This conference, jointly organized by the Center for Global Asia, NYU Shanghai, and the CAPASIA Project, European University Institute, examines the role of infrastructure in Asia’s port cities